Friday 21 May 2010

upper class

The "late Slim Aarons [1916-2006], a man who dedicated his life to photographing attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places - what more could be better than that?! Dubbed as 'the photo laureate of the upper class' Slim did some of his best and sexiest work poolside, glorious poolside. This is a man that never used a stylist or make up artisit and who's images give a voyeuristic peek into the lives of the jet-lagged jet-set at play. In the BookPoolside with Slim Aarons, it's said that 'Slim always said he belived in fairy tales, and that the jet set utopia was his magical kingdom.' His ability to capture fabulousness in a single frame, in my mind, is unparalleled. His work is magnificent, imagery you can loose yourself in - drifting off into the bygone of the extraordinary leisured class gallivanting in their glittering pools."

via Mrs Lilien

1 comment :

  1. riqueza de espírito21 May 2010 at 15:25

    antes rico e com saúde que pobre e doente!


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