Wednesday 28 February 2018

Larry Sultan - pictures from home

Los Angeles, Early Evening
Mom in Doorway
Dad on Sofa
Practicing Golf Swing
Mom and Dad, Pool
My Mother Posing for Me
The house is quiet.  They have gone to bed, leaving me alone, and the electric timer has just switched off the living-room lights.  It feels like the house has finally turned on its side to fall asleep.  Years ago I would have gone through my mother’s purse for one of her cigarettes and smoked in the dark.  It was a magical time that the house was mine.
Tonight, however, I am restless.  I sit at the dining-room table; rummage through the refrigerator.  What am I looking for?
All day long I’ve been scavenging, poking around in rooms and closets, peering at their things, studying them.  I arrange my rolls of exposed film into long rows and count and recount them as if they were lost.  There are twenty-eight.
What drives me to continue this work is difficult to name.  It has more to do with love than with sociology, with being a subject in the drama rather than a witness.  And in the odd and jumbled process of working everything shifts; the boundaries blur, my distance slips, the arrogance and illusion of immunity falters.  I wake up in the middle of the night, stunned and anguished.  These are my parents.  From that simple fact, everything follows.  I realize that beyond the rolls of film and the few good pictures, the demands of my project and my confusion about its meaning, is the wish to take photography literally.  To stop time.  I want my parents to live forever.

Larry Sultan: An excerpt from Chapter One of Pictures From Home, 1992

Larry Sultan é o maior

Monday 26 February 2018

Wednesday 21 February 2018


Jane Fonda taking notes during a break in filming at Auberge de la Colombe d'Or in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, photo by Francois Pages, Sept. 1963 ”
Jane Fonda, 1964
Jane Fonda
“ Jane Fonda on Malibu Beach in 1965 (GIf Click to see) ”
Jane Fonda fights the power-- gender bent Sirius!...BITCH! Vietnam Vets will never forget Hanoi Jane

Monday 19 February 2018


Esta foto tem 7 anos.
Continua a descrever perfeitamente o estilo que eu gosto.

via NY Times

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Tanaka Tatsuya

2.1 thu “Fitness”
#フィットネス #化粧品
#Fitness #Cosmetics
【mini CHOCOllection 微型作品展】
1/25 thu - 2/25 sun Harbour City 海港城
12/23 sat - 3/4 sun 駁二藝術特區
【FF30th EXHIBITION 別れの物語展】
1/22 mon - 2/28 wed 森アーツセンターギャラリー
Ultrafast Revolving Door
1.29 mon “Cleaning Nemo”
#モップ #イソギンチャク 
#Mop #SeaAnemone
【mini CHOCOllection 微型作品展】
1/25 thu - 2/25 sun Harbour City 海港城
12/23 sat - 3/4 sun 駁二藝術特區
【FF30th EXHIBITION 別れの物語展】
1/22 mon - 2/28 wed 森アーツセンターギャラリー
#FF30th #別れの物語展

Monday 12 February 2018

Quem alinha?

Uma maquilhagenzinha discreta
Geometric paint cover.
Scribblin' on @riinagram ✒️
Avant-garde makeup / creative makeup / artistic makeup / fashion / conceptual makeup / face paint
julia campbell-gillies : Photo
makeup look Geometry - Petrine Houlberg by Christophe Donna+
Claire Plekhoff /based in Paris - PERSONAL
Paraiso F/W 16 campaign
Visagie: Makeup: Topolino Erwin Olaf Studies 'Les Beaux Arts' for Vogue Netherlands, 2014
funny clown

Friday 9 February 2018

Wednesday 7 February 2018


Os desenhos do Joaquim começam a acumular-se la em casa e tenho que tomar uma atitude

mount your children's wall art in white frames // bedrooms
24 ideas for creating a gallery wall for kids art
Creative way to display their artwork...That is not on the front of my refrigerator!
display children's art (or calendar pages), (or maps), (or black and white prints), . . .
sadie + stella: Monday Musings: For the Little Ones
A Kids Bedroom on Manhattan's Upper West Side, photographed by Attic Fire, via @sarahsarna.

Monday 5 February 2018


As camas dos outros parecem sempre mais confortáveis que a minha. Talvez seja do linho

100% Linen Duvet Cover in Clay — IN BED Store
monday TO sunday HOME: from MONDAY to SUNDAY...
Classy home with natural materials - via Coco Lapine Design
Classic and delicate interior - via
I want a linen duvet!                                                                                                                                                     More
Cuantas veces hemos soñado con una cama perfecta llena de textiles combinables y de tacto visible, camas que las ves en foto y te meterías ...

Friday 2 February 2018

O Som de Sexta

why not?
A versão original não me cativa mas a letra é muito boa, e esta voz...

Thursday 1 February 2018

como escolher cores

Para escolher cores para misturar no guarda-roupa, nada como olhar para a natureza

✯ Machaon Caterpillar
Rothschild Silk Moth Caterpillar
Grubby - Caterpillar of Saturniidae Moth in Switzerland
Striped caterpillar ... Actually, its a very hungry caterpillar munching its way to become a monarch butterfly.
Polyphemus moth caterpillar...: Photo by Photographer Igor Siwanowicz
Bruco di macaone (Swallowtail caterpillar)

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