Friday 22 April 2016


Comer, passear, comer, passear, comer, passear. Foi esta a minha semana e eu estou tão contente

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Acho que não era capaz de ir a lado nenhum com uma coisa destas mas que é um statement, é, e eu "pelo-me" por um bom statement !

DIY Faux Flower Coat |
DIY Faux Flower Coat |
DIY Faux Flower Coat |
DIY Faux Flower Coat |
DIY Faux Flower Coat |
O DIY está todo aqui Studio DIY

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Monday 18 April 2016

tecto com personalidade

Eu normalmente estou me marimbando para tectos. Mesmo os tectos trabalhados de algumas casas que para aí andam, pouco me impressionam. Está lá em cima, ninguém vê.

Se lhe derem uma esfrega com uma cor impactante, pode ser que a coisa mude de figura:

Set your home apart from all others with a unique decorating idea: painting the ceiling with a bold color. This fresh idea draws the eye up, and it gives a luxurious and modern feel to any room.:
I'm kind of fascinated by the painted ceiling and part of the wall... It gives the illusion the walls are short and the ceiling is more open.:
Make a style statement in any room in your home by painting the ceiling a color that stands out from the rest of the walls. Flip through our ceiling ideas for inspiration on adding an applause-worthy look to bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and more.:
Painted ceiling - gives the illusion of a circus tent even though the ceiling is flat.:
Galería - Oficinas OPTIMEDIA Media Agency / Nefa Architects - 10:
Nice for a children's nursery, love the striped ceiling and the shelves especially.:
yellow striped ceiling:  

Sunday 17 April 2016


Este senhor sabe o que é simplicidade

Saturday 16 April 2016


Só vos digo isto: "Classic porcelain inspired by old-school sailor tattoos"

SEA salt & pepper cellers & plates

Friday 15 April 2016

Extra, extra

Procuro casacos extra longos para me fazerem companhia esta primavera

boho hippie chick ☮:
Instead of staying late and wearing yourself down, try working smarter not harder.:
Flare jeans With A Pop / Fashion By Kryzayda:
Warning: This feature may cause severe inclination to binge-drink pumpkin spice lattes! // Fall 2014 Fashion Trends and Essentials #theeverygirl:
White top, duster, jeans, ankle boots, and a Chloé bag:
street style:
I want the long cardigan! : 

Thursday 14 April 2016

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Wrong Design

só porque torna a nossa vida mais difícil não quer dizer que não seja fixe:
cadernos e agendas com formatos estranhos e pouco friendly. I love it!

Introducing Wrong Design, Art Director Ania Diakoff's original notebook and calendar collection. Featuring oblong shapes, oversized bindings, and bright colors, each of these goods turns the traditional function of printed goods on its head. Choose from die cut notebooks with 100 blank pages, or The Weekling, a perpetual weekly calendar.
The Shape Of Things To Come

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Monday 11 April 2016


Finalmente fiz os puxadores do troca fraldas do Joaquim!

As fotos estão miseráveis, mas os puxadores estão lindos


Sunday 10 April 2016

So cool

Há coisas com muita pinta neste mundo

Menu board at Passenger Coffee's new Coffee Bar & Tea Room.:
via Pinterest

Saturday 9 April 2016

ciao bologna

#Bologna - Adelini Riccardo - Tetti bolognesi. Bologna - Roofs of Bologna. #Italy:
daqui a uma semana parto para Bolonha para 5 dias de comida e passeio pela Emilia-Romagna.
Se houver por ai alguma dica sou toda ouvidos!

Friday 8 April 2016

adeus skinny jeans

The wide leg is here!!

those pants...:
.street wear:
Street chic. Black palazzo white top + blazer. women fashion outfit clothing style apparel @roressclothes closet ideas:
cool outfit:
high waist wide leg pants are a more comfortable and breathable option to jeans when traveling / the love assembly: 
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